A few weeks ago we received a call from a gentleman in Palm Beach, Florida who wanted a new Watch Hill 15 to sail at this home in Connecticut by June 1st.  His research was thorough, and he was sure this was the boat for him; however, we needed to convince his wife.  With two feet of snow on the ground and as many kids here at home in diapers, I had an epiphany:  “Why don’t I tow one of our Watch Hill 15’s down to Palm Beach for a trial sail?”   I left Rockport the following Monday morning and arrived at Cracker Boy Boatworks in Palm Beach Tuesday evening.  The boat was rigged and launched Wednesday, and we went for a tranquil sail that evening.  We sailed again on Thursday morning, which resulted in a bit more excitement, and by evening the boat was back on her trailer. Friday morning I left for home, and was in Maine Saturday night.  Retrospectively this was not quite the tropical vacation I had been hoping for, but I did get to spend a few hours on the beach!   A contract was signed, and we began construction last week.  You can see photos of the progress under Current Projects.  We’ll need to have this latest Watch Hill 15 built and delivered in three months to meet our June 1st deadline.  A fast pace to be sure, but that’s standard procedure around here!